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Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

June 4

with 4 comments

F1270002 by xerex*.

I feel sorry to go off topic once again, but this entry is necessary–June 4–the political crackdown that happened 21 years back in Tiananman Square.

It struck me a bit when I was talking to some Chinese students yesterday. I assume regardless of whichever nationality you are, you are cultivated with your nation’s history– that’s how you construct your national identity. In that sense, no one should know about your country and culture more than you do. What a no brainer!

But fair enough, this is not the case for the Chinese. The students I mingled with said they have never heard that much about China than they’ve come to Australia. Indeed, it wasn’t that first time that occured to me. Remember the other day a Brit lecturer showed the Tank Man footage to us, the freaking famous footage with millions click-rates, most of the Chinese students went they had never seen that before. Yep, I wasn’t lying. It did happen.

The thing is every nation has made mistakes–the homicide against Jews by the Germans, stolen generation of aborigines in Australia and Canada, and the brits shipping convicts to their colonies. You never hear the Germans, Brits, Aussies and Canadians deny what they’ve done. Because…well…suck it. They did do it. People studied history for a reason–they find out who started it and attempt to retify it.

Besides, people who suffered are no longer condemning China for, God knows, what they had done, nor are they ploting any democratic movements over it. People are just commemorating what they lost. They just want a fair apology. Is that too much to ask?

You may argue, right, Japanese never admit their world war II evil deed to their generations to come either. So why the Chinese? Let’s just make one point–how do you judge people while you’re not playing by the rule? What difference does it make? Sad, but no!

A China-born Chinese Australian has already been deported out of China because of alleged suspicious misconduct. [Retuers] And a lady who went for the mourning at Tiannmen Square this morning was surrounded by layers of police. Journalists’ access was highly restricted.

I’m intrigued. If nothing had happened, what was people fighting for the past 21 years? And why is China so trembled that it has to deny an armless man’s entry and block access to an ordinary lady mourning at the Square?

You may operate in whatever political structure you want, but the June 4 incident is far beyond the line–it’s an emotional consolation and justification that the people are longing for.

Drop your arragonce fella! It’s time to say sorry!

Written by Chris

June 3, 2010 at 10:07 pm

Posted in Politics

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